NMC response to concerns raised in The Independent
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We take the whistleblowing concerns raised extremely seriously and are committed to responding in an open and transparent way.

The action we’re taking following concerns about the Yunnik test centre
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In May 2023 we shared that our CBT provider, Pearson VUE, had alerted us to unusual data relating to tests taken at Yunnik Technologies Test Centre in Ibadan, N

Updated statement on Canterbury Christ Church University midwifery programme
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Second and third-year students at Canterbury Christ Church University (CCCU) will be transferred onto a bespoke programme at the University of Surrey.

Covid-19 temporary registration will end in March 2024
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The Government has confirmed that emergency registration of nurses and midwives will now end in March 2024.

NMC meets 17 of the PSA’s standards of good regulation in 2022-2023
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Today we welcome the Professional Standards Authority’s (PSA) review of our performance for 2022-2023.

NMC responds to verdict in Lucy Letby trial
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Please see our statement below.

NMC shines spotlight on nursing and midwifery
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The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) has today published the first Spotlight on Nursing and Midwifery. This new report will be published every year, sharing

Kay Fawcett appointed to lead NMC advanced practice steering group
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Kay Fawcett OBE, former Executive Chief Nurse at both Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, has been a

Joint statement on meeting regulatory standards during periods of global or national shortage of medicines
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We are concerned to hear that people with Type 2 diabetes are experiencing problems accessing GLP-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs). We know that these are being

How we supported our professionals and protected the public in the last year
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We’ve published a review of the work we’ve done in the past year to promote and uphold the high standards of nursing and midwifery practice the public has a rig

NMC responds to NHS Race and Health Observatory neonatal report
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We’ve responded to findings which highlight the inequalities Black, Asian and minority ethnic newborn babies experience in neonatal health care

NMC responds to Skills for Care findings on the adult social care workforce
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We’ve responded to the Skills for Care’s latest report, The Size and Structure of the Adult Social Care Sector and Workforce in England.