Serve Afternoon Tea in Style with Euroservice

Serve Afternoon Tea in Style with Euroservice

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Watch your resident’s eyes light up when the beautiful tea trolley arrives! Euroservice trolleys can also be used as a vending trolley or to sell... Serve Afternoon Tea in Style with Euroservice appeared first on The Carer.

Fall Savers – Affordable Fall Monitoring Solution

Fall Savers – Affordable Fall Monitoring Solution

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Fall Savers, are an experienced market leading healthcare provider of resident safety solutions for over 15 years. FALL SAVERS WIRELESS MONITOR Eliminate all cables with... Fall Savers – Affordable Fall Monitoring Solution appeared first on The Carer.

Wippet For Care

Wippet For Care

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Wippet For Care is the simplest and most versatile way to procure everything you need for your care home. Wippet is your gateway to fair... Wippet For Care appeared first on The Carer.

Inspired Inspirations: Revolutionising UK’s Care Sector with the Tiny Tablet

Inspired Inspirations: Revolutionising UK’s Care Sector with the Tiny Tablet

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In an era where technology infiltrates every aspect of life, it’s paramount for care establishments to harness its potential for enhancing the quality of life... Inspired Inspirations: Revolutionising UK’s Care Sector with the Tiny Tablet appeared first on The Carer.

Medpage Falls Management Products

Medpage Falls Management Products

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Medpage Limited has been at the forefront in patient care product innovation for almost four decades. During this time, we have invented alarm clocks to... Medpage Falls Management Products appeared first on The Carer.

Spring 2024 Covid booster announced for most vulnerable

Spring 2024 Covid booster announced for most vulnerable

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A new Covid-19 booster vaccination programme for those most at risk of serious illness from the virus is expected to begin in the coming months. Spring 2024 Covid booster announced for most vulnerable appeared first on Nursing Times.

Alpha Furniture

Alpha Furniture

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Alpha Furniture are well suited to projects of all sizes, from refreshing a couple of bedrooms to a full fit-out of all areas in a... Alpha Furniture appeared first on The Carer.

RECREO VR Launches Virtual Reminiscence Tool To Improve Wellbeing In Care Homes

RECREO VR Launches Virtual Reminiscence Tool To Improve Wellbeing In Care Homes

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Care home residents across the UK are experiencing captivating, personalised virtual environments to improve their mental and social wellbeing with the launch of innovative VR... RECREO VR Launches Virtual Reminiscence Tool To Improve Wellbeing In Care Homes appeared first on The Carer.

Blood Tests May Predict Dementia 15 Year Before Diagnosis

Blood Tests May Predict Dementia 15 Year Before Diagnosis

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A blood test that looks for changes in certain proteins could predict dementia up to 15 years before diagnosis, research suggests. Scientists have identified 11... Blood Tests May Predict Dementia 15 Year Before Diagnosis appeared first on The Carer.

Marr Procurement: Continuing to Invest In Resourcing Solutions for the Care Sector

Marr Procurement: Continuing to Invest In Resourcing Solutions for the Care Sector

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Introducing Dan Ashenden our new head of M-Resourcing M-Resourcing are delighted to announce the appointment of Dan Ashenden to lead our M-Resourcing service with effect... Marr Procurement: Continuing to Invest In Resourcing Solutions for the Care Sector appeared first on The Carer.

Independent experts appointed to review our culture

Independent experts appointed to review our culture

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The NMC has appointed Nazir Afzal OBE and Rise Associates to lead an independent review of our culture, as part of our commitment to learn and improve so we can

Grand Opening Of New Nursing Home In Leicester

Grand Opening Of New Nursing Home In Leicester

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Exemplar Health Care has marked the official opening of Greenacre Park, located on Elmdon Drive. Cutting the ribbon was The Right Worshipful the Lord Mayor... Grand Opening Of New Nursing Home In Leicester appeared first on The Carer.