The Care Show Birmingham Wins ‘Best Use of Creative/Brand’ Award at the EN Marketing Awards 2024
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The Care Show Birmingham’s 2023 creative transformation of line illustrations has won the ‘Best Use of Creative/Brand’ award at the Exhibition News Marketing Awards on... The Care Show Birmingham Wins ‘Best Use of Creative/Brand’ Award at the EN Marketing Awards 2024 appeared first on The Carer.

Birmingham International Tattoo Raises Over £10,000 for Royal Star & Garter
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More than £10,000 has been raised for veterans’ charity, Royal Star & Garter, at the Birmingham International Tattoo. Residents and staff from the charity’s Home... Birmingham International Tattoo Raises Over £10,000 for Royal Star & Garter appeared first on The Carer.

Candles Light Up Lake During Special Commemorative Event at Care Village in Abbotsham
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Scores of people turned out for a special commemorative candlelit event at a care village in Abbotsham. Kenwith Castle care home hosted its first Candles... Candles Light Up Lake During Special Commemorative Event at Care Village in Abbotsham appeared first on The Carer.

Statement on the Responsible Use of Generative AI in Social Care Published
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Artificial Intelligence (‘AI’) offers many opportunities and potential benefits to adult social care. Generative AI, such as Large Language Models (LLMs) that power AI chatbots,... Statement on the Responsible Use of Generative AI in Social Care Published appeared first on The Carer.

‘There are concerns that Covid-19 infection could cause diabetes’
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Linda Nazarko on the risks of Covid-19 infection in relation to diabetes. ‘There are concerns that Covid-19 infection could cause diabetes’ appeared first on Nursing Times.

‘There is more work to be done to raise awareness of encephalitis’
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If you were asked to list the symptoms of encephalitis, would you be able to do so? Likewise, would you be able recognise a case of encephalitis if one presented? ‘There is more work to be done to raise awareness of encephalitis’ appeared first on Nursing Times.

A career of crises: chief nurse looks back on 38 years
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From Mid Staffs to Covid-19 to the Nottingham maternity scandal, chief nurse Michelle Rhodes has reflected on her career ahead of her retirement next month. A career of crises: chief nurse looks back on 38 years appeared first on Nursing Times.

Mental health nurse shortages affecting care and skill mix
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The shortages of mental health nurses in hospital settings in England are impacting patient care and have led to a greater reliance on support staff, a new review has found. Mental health nurse shortages affecting care and skill mix appeared first on Nursing Times.

No More Stuck In The Basement, Family Gatherings Restored! S-Max liberates Mel and Phil
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S-Max has restored the freedom to get out and about for Mel and Phil Sanderson after months of being confined to living in their basement.... No More Stuck In The Basement, Family Gatherings Restored! S-Max liberates Mel and Phil appeared first on The Carer.

‘Unsustainable’: Health visitors to take industrial action
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Health visitors in Wales will take industrial action for up to four months over “unsustainable demands” being placed on them, a union representing the workforce has said. ‘Unsustainable’: Health visitors to take industrial action appeared first on Nursing Times.

Support Choice-Based Safety Monitoring in Dementia Care Homes Prime Minister Urged
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Care Campaign for the Vulnerable (CCFTV) is a national, a not-for-profit safety in elderly care organisation has written an open Letter to Prime Minister Rishi... Support Choice-Based Safety Monitoring in Dementia Care Homes Prime Minister Urged appeared first on The Carer.

Arquella Connect Live Demo Webinar: A Sneak Peek into the Future of Care
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You’re invited to join Arquella on the 28th of February at 10 am to have a sneak peek into Arquella Connect! Join us for our... Arquella Connect Live Demo Webinar: A Sneak Peek into the Future of Care appeared first on The Carer.