NMC’s Sam Foster named visiting professor at University of Greenwich
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Sam Foster, Executive Director of Professional Practice at the NMC, has been named as a visiting professor at the University of Greenwich.

NI Commissioner Calls For Changes To Protect Rights For Residents Living In Care Homes
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The Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland, Eddie Lynch has launched a report ‘Respecting residents’ rights in care homes’, which reviews the contract currently... NI Commissioner Calls For Changes To Protect Rights For Residents Living In Care Homes appeared first on The Carer.

New Specialist Accommodation For Adults With Autism Opens In Dorchester
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A new supported living scheme for adults with a learning disability and or autism has opened in Dorchester, which is designed to play a key... New Specialist Accommodation For Adults With Autism Opens In Dorchester appeared first on The Carer.

NMC data linked with Census to help influence positive change in nursing and midwifery
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We share insights to help improve the health and care sector, ensuring safe, kind and effective nursing and midwifery care for people and communities. We’re sup

Danforth Care Opens Third Care Home in Lancashire
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Danforth Care continue to expand their care home portfolio with a new facility opening up in Lancashire, making it their third in the county in... Danforth Care Opens Third Care Home in Lancashire appeared first on The Carer.

Hallmark Luxury Care Homes achieves Planning Permission for Woodford Green Care Home
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Award-winning care provider, Hallmark Luxury Care Homes has been granted planning permission to build a care home across a two-acre site in Woodford Green, East... Hallmark Luxury Care Homes achieves Planning Permission for Woodford Green Care Home appeared first on The Carer.

Trip Down Memory Lane For Resident At Blackpool Home As She Visits Former Place Of Work
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A resident at a Blackpool care home went back in time and visited her former place of work, more than 40 years after she first... Trip Down Memory Lane For Resident At Blackpool Home As She Visits Former Place Of Work appeared first on The Carer.

Intergenerational Fun For World Book Day
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Dressing up costumes chosen with World Book Day (7 March) in mind and worn by preschoolers from Bridgwater’s Little Montessori House were a great hit... Intergenerational Fun For World Book Day appeared first on The Carer.

Sector Dismay to Chancellor’s Budget “Social care the Loser Once Again”
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Social care providers have warned that a lack of extra funding for the sector in today’s budget will undermine efforts to help the NHS. The... Sector Dismay to Chancellor’s Budget “Social care the Loser Once Again” appeared first on The Carer.

Scottish Apprenticeship Week - Georgia's story
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This Scottish Apprenticeship Week we’ll be sharing stories from apprentices working in social care and children and young people services across Scotland to learn more about the vital role they play in supporting individuals, employers, and the people they provide care for.
Today, we share Georgia’s story.

Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2024 - Linzi's story
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This Scottish Apprenticeship Week we’ll be sharing stories from apprentices working in social care and children and young people services across Scotland to learn more about the vital role they play in supporting individuals, employers, and the people they provide care for.
Today, we share Linzi's story.

Long Covid: health workers take case to court
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Nurses are among almost 70 health workers with long Covid who are jointly taking their case for compensation to the High Court. Long Covid: health workers take case to court appeared first on Nursing Times.