Nurses urged to renew focus on patient nutrition and hydration
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Promoting good nutrition and hydration for patients is the responsibility of all NHS workers, regardless of profession, a nurse leading a national awareness week has said. Nurses urged to renew focus on patient nutrition and hydration appeared first on Nursing Times.

Paid leave for NHS staff experiencing pregnancy loss
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NHS staff who suffer a miscarriage will now receive up to 10 days additional paid leave, under new guidance issued to local hospitals today. Women who experience a miscarriage in the first 24 weeks of pregnancy will be offered up to 10 days paid leave and their partners will be offered up to 5. While […]

‘The sensation as this cold liquid went down the tube was like swallowing a raw oyster’
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Jenny Temple reflects on a patient’s experience of having a feeding tube. ‘The sensation as this cold liquid went down the tube was like swallowing a raw oyster’ appeared first on Nursing Times.

‘Gaps’ in preventative care for people with learning disabilities
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Urgent action is needed to improve preventative healthcare for people with learning disabilities by reforming annual health checks and boosting staffing, a new report warned. ‘Gaps’ in preventative care for people with learning disabilities appeared first on Nursing Times.

Final panel decision: What should happen to a nurse who made numerous medication errors with several patients?
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Find out how the NMC panel acted in this case. Not yet read the case? Read the charge and background here Final panel decision: What should happen to a nurse who made numerous medication errors with several patients? appeared first on Nursing Times.

What should happen to a nurse who made numerous medication errors with several patients?
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Each month, Nursing Times will consider a real-life case heard by the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s fitness to practise panel. We’ll give you the facts of the case, as presented to the panel, and you’ll get a chance to consider what decision you would have made. What should happen to a nurse who made numerous medication errors with several patients? appeared first on Nursing Times.

‘I love creating inclusive collaboration with children’
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Working with children was always the intention of Eleanor Willis but it was a tragic personal experience that drew her into the nursing profession ‘I love creating inclusive collaboration with children’ appeared first on Nursing Times.

England’s chief nurse renews preceptorship commitment
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The chief nursing officer for England has given her ongoing commitment to preceptorship for newly registered nurses and midwives, although concerns about funding have been aired. England’s chief nurse renews preceptorship commitment appeared first on Nursing Times.

Bedfordshire HCAs strike to demand changes to pay
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Nursing staff at an East of England NHS trust have walked out on strike this week, as a national Unison campaign for the up-banding of healthcare assistants continues. Bedfordshire HCAs strike to demand changes to pay appeared first on Nursing Times.

Liverpool Care Home Celebrates The Spirit Of Nursing With A Special Day For A Resident
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Walton Manor Care Home in Liverpool recently celebrated one of its own residents, a former nurse, by granting her wish to don her nursing tunic... Liverpool Care Home Celebrates The Spirit Of Nursing With A Special Day For A Resident appeared first on The Carer.

More and more nurses applying to leave England for ‘better pay’
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A rising number of nurses in England are planning to leave the country to work overseas, new figures suggest. More and more nurses applying to leave England for ‘better pay’ appeared first on Nursing Times.

Colchester Care Home Resident Enchanted By Musical By Local School Students
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A 92-year-old resident who lived at a care home in Colchester fulfilled a bucket list item of watching a musical, thanks to The Wishing Washing... Colchester Care Home Resident Enchanted By Musical By Local School Students appeared first on The Carer.