NMC responds to the NHS England’s Long Term Workforce Plan

NMC responds to the NHS England’s Long Term Workforce Plan

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We’ve responded to NHS England’s Long term Workforce Plan and its commitments to delivering a sustainable health and care workforce.

NMC responds to GMC findings around medical workforce pressures

NMC responds to GMC findings around medical workforce pressures

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The General Medical Council (GMC) has warned that workplace pressures including burnout and workload are driving doctors out of their profession – chiming with

NMC celebrates those recognised on the King’s Birthday Honours list

NMC celebrates those recognised on the King’s Birthday Honours list

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Congratulations to all the nursing and midwifery professionals awarded for their outstanding achievements

What to expect from your nursing associate

What to expect from your nursing associate

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We’ve published a new animation to help people understand what they can expect from their nursing associate.

NMC and CNOs respond to Mental Health Deserves Better open letter

NMC and CNOs respond to Mental Health Deserves Better open letter

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Read our response below

Record number of nurses, midwives and nursing associates

Record number of nurses, midwives and nursing associates

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See the latest data from our register

NMC recruiting for new fitness to practise panel members

NMC recruiting for new fitness to practise panel members

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Applications are now open for new members to join our independent fitness to practise panels